Letting Go

Looking toward the finished Kingdom we recognize that all problems have been forever solved, thus we find the needed solution transcending or breaking forth for us. 

‘Look up; for your redemption draweth nigh.'
The understanding of the ever-manifested right ideas, and right states, is the plane of the miracle - quick healing, quick deliverance. Herein there is nothing to be removed, nothing to be cut out, nothing to be added to nor taken from the already finished wholeness. 

 Attention is held fast to the finished work, and we think, act and feel in this consciousness." 

~ Lilian de Waters

Cultivate an awareness of the presence every moment.

~ 'The Infinite Way', Joel S. Goldsmith

Let us not be concerned with spiritual progress. What you must concern yourself with is knowing the truth, the truth which will make you free from your humanhood and reveal your spiritual Identity, which always was, is now, and will forever be.

~ 'Man Was Not Born To Cry', Joel S. Goldsmith

• Mystical Moon • 

From Human Consciousness to Spiritual Awareness

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